I really, REALLY hate Diane Feinstein. Sincerely. (I do feel bad for how bad the art is in this strip – I drew it while feeling very poorly, but you get the idea.) I drew Obama as a demon as a joke – hell, I voted for him both times because the alternatives were worse. But I’m pretty sure that Feinstein is a fucking lich. Her political career should have died 20 years ago, her actual body should have corrupted and fallen to a pile of ash around 1970. She bathes in the blood of the unborn, eats fetuses as her exclusive diet, soaking up their souls as she shuffles toward Bethlehem. She is the absolutely worst kind of Democrat. Wants to ban handguns, but carries a pistol. A member of the top 2% of the nation, so fucking out of touch with the rest of the world that she thinks only her opinions matter.
I’m saying I dislike her, and heap all the derision I can upon her. Because she hasn’t done ANYTHING noteworthy in the last decade, but she pulls shit like this, and suddenly her hideous visage is back in the spotlight.
She is a hypocrite, and exists only to be distrusted and shamed, in my world. People can rage all they like bout public welfare (which I support wholeheartedly), but I think they should be more upset that this horrible monster has been living on the public tax dime this entire time.
Ah, but wait until I get to Biden. Hee hee.
ADD: OMFG, Obama speaks, and within one hour, every semi-auto rifle on Cheaper Than Dirt’s site is sold the fuck out.
Unfortunately, you are preaching to the choir. But I still say, PREACH IT, BROTHER!
She bathes in the blood of the unborn, eats fetuses as her exclusive diet, soaking up their souls as she shuffles toward Bethlehem.
Don’t hold back, tell us how you really feel.
Also… Bethlehem? Is there some reference that I’m missing?
The Second Coming by Yates
The relevant lines are:
“And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born.”
Great poem.
Bathing in blood might not do much for you, but fetuses – the protein, man, think of the PROTEIN!
(need I add – MUAhahaaaa)
It’s a reference to the last two lines of a poem by Yeats called ‘The Second Coming’:
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches toward Bethlehem to be born?
Yeah. While Obama might not exactly have been a stellar choice, the alternative was the proverbial black hole. As the election circus went on i just kept going “WTH are the Rep party thinking?” more and more often. It´s like they picked the absolutly worst option at every point.
And yeah, Feinstein is the worst kind of hypocrit.
Well, the top people in the algop just endorsed reince priebus for party head again (over the Ron Paul guy- forget his name). This should tell you something if you watch some hilite reels of the 2012 rnc on youtube. Look up “Joan The Silencer” if the whole thing bores you and you just want a laugh or two…
I know this is going to come as a huge shock, but there are more than two parties. In fact, we had a very pro-gun, pro-liberty, pro-constitution candidate run, but instead the majority of gun owners picked either the anti-gun Obama or the anti-gun Romney and then act surprised that the winner is anti-gun.
Yeah, that is one of the great ironys of the world. The “Greatest Democracy in the World!!!” (Said mockingly, but with respect. Yeah, i know, doesn´t make much sense. I´ll explain it if you realy want me to, but it would take a bit.) has been a virtual two party state pretty much since the begining.
Time for something new i think. A swift kick to the ass to both parties. Eh, this goes for pretty much all democratic countries in the world IMO.
Y’know what’s really scary? I don’t think the California GOP can give us a credible alternative to her. No matter how divorced from reality she gets, our only hope is for someone to destroy her phylactery and let the Dems field a mortal candidate.
Speaking of liches… This is probably totally meaningless to someone who hasn’t read or seen “Game of Thrones”, but might be amusing to those who have.
Ah, saw what I did with the photoshoppage, eh?
yes. yes i did. do not waaaaaaant.
Before yesterday I’d have whole heatedly agreed. But someone else has now taken my number one spot of contempt. Cuomo.
Cuomo has been pretty revolting lately, but at least that ass-hat is only in position to screw New York. The whole country gets to suffer DiFi. I just keep telling myself that one of these days, the Big One will hit, and Cali will slide into the Pacific.
I live in NY and with one pen stroke, suddenly I was committing a misdemeanor (by having more than 7 bullets loaded). Cuomo has big ambition, don’t think he can’t potentially snake his way out to the rest of you…
It’s all pretty frustrating. Especially since there’s no real public space for normal humans to get up in front of the world and say “hey, folks, this is just political grandstanding. None of these laws will make a difference.”
I’m strongly in support of gun control that makes sense; registering guns, making sure they’re stored safely and people who own them are educated in proper handling and shooting safety. But really, the absolute absence of logic behind banning magazines with more than a certain number of rounds is asinine. Maybe the people who liked the idea of this law have only ever seen a picture of a gun with one magazine and don’t realize you can carry more than one. Or perhaps they’ve seen too many terrible action movies where the characters never reload and assume that is what they’re banning.
Either way, I’m a Democrat and I agree that all this is absolutely ridiculous.
“I’m strongly in support of gun control that makes sense; registering guns”
Please tell me how letting corrupt government officials who to take guns from makes sense. If you look at the data, it’s not the people who legally buy guns that commit crimes, thus why do you insist on punishing those who aren’t committing crimes?
Registering has no effect on crime. In fact, if you catch a felon in possession, in a have-to-register state, you can’t bag him for failure to register. That’s because, as a prohibited person, he can’t be forced to register his gun — that would be forced self-incrimination (“Hey – I have a gun that I can’t have”), and violate his 5th Amendment rights. See Haynes v US.
I met Feinstein when I joined the Navy and remember how much the military hated her as well. She often used and abused “feminism” in the service. Irony is when DADT was invoked in 1995 there wasn’t a fucking peep from her to defend LGBTQ rights of equality. Gun Control, she’s the worst of the lot; she’s shot someone in “self-defense” and there’s rumors still floating around that this was a publicity stunt as well. You’re right in that she’s a LICH like many of the old guard politicians who should have disappeared in the 1990s some time and been replaced.
McCoolest, you might want to rethink that registering, storing and educating belief. Of course, you may believe that the government is a gentle giant who would never ever ever do anything bad or wrong, in which case I’m wasting time here.
If you don’t believe that, take a look at history, and see how gun registration has led to confiscation in many countries. Bad things then happened. Storage requirements? ‘Ve haf zeen ze gun safe, it does not meet ze new requirements! Take them!’ Education requirements? ‘You haf missed a question on our 214 question test! No guns for you!’ And I’ll add another requirement you may want: Mental Health (these mass killings were done by nuts, right?) ‘No proper thinking person would want a nassty evil gun! You have failed the mental health examination.’
It doesn’t have to be the same administration, by the way. You may trust Obama to just register, etc. and not confiscate, but what about the guy after him? I’m a Republican, and I wouldn’t trust some of my wingnut politicians not to confiscate weapons.
Think about it.
As someone with roots in the Bay Area, I can say, a lot of us didn’t like her as Mayor of San Francisco! She was clearly an example of failing upwards and number of us were concerned Arnold Schwarzenegger would go the same route. To me, as a registered Democrat, she always represented the wealthy elite in the party with their own agenda for profit. Many of us don’t understand what she’s doing in the party anyway, she should be in the GOP.
I live in California, she’s trying to get laws as strict as NY and CA’s for the entire US… HOW HAS THIS BITCH RULED MY STATE FOR 2 PLUS DECADES?!
What’s the most depressing fact of all is that in CA getting a carry permit is practically impossible… Yet she has had an active permit since the late 70s. Not to mention her armed escort everywhere.
Not to mention that she has not the first friggin’ clue about gun safety. Remember that press conference she did some years ago in which she was waving a rifle around, sweeping the entire room with the muzzle while her finger was on the trigger?
Kinda surprised not to have seen any comment on this whole situation.
I’m thinking suicide, a la Mark Penman – overcome by despair and couldn’t deal with the world’s hysterical bullshit any longer.
In interest of gun rights, while I am currently not a gun owner I would like to report that the new NYC gun weapons ban has passed with a 48 majority vote, the names I have are incomplete but as follows: Adams, Addabbo, Avella, Boyle, Breslin, Carlucci, Diaz, Dilan, Espaillat, Felder, Flanagan, Fuschillo, Gianaris, Gipson, Golden, Grisanti, Hannon, Hassell-Thomps, Hoylman, Kennedy, Klein, Krueger, Lanza, Latimer, LaValle, Marcellino, Martins, Montgomery, O’Brien, Parker, Peralta, Perkins, Rivera, Sampson, Sanders, Savino, Serrano, Skelos, Smith, Squadron, Stavisky, Stewart-Cousin, Valesky.
Please tell them all to eat a dick and die, perhaps share one with feinstien, but I don’t think she likes anything phallically shaped…
Ha ha ha! Because everyone who likes gun control must be a filthy dyke, right?
Looking at her photos, I can readily believe that woman doesn’t like ANYTHING, including herself, and is on a mission to make the rest of the populace as miserable and unhappy as she is.
My hand to god, it looks as though her face would crack and fall off if she were to smile.
Hey, now – as a fan of filthy dykes and the entertaining movies they make, there’s no need to insult them by comparing them to Diane Feinstein and the rest of the gun-control advocates…
I’m not too surprised that CTD sold out of all their new stock of guns, in spite of the insane price jump. I got their email ad claiming they had more magazines, and was shocked by the prices they wanted for AK mags, easily double the old prices! ($80 for a Hungarian 20-rd “Tanker” mag, 90 for random East European 30-rd.) Frankly, I’m glad a Congressman from Texas is leading the way to impeach Obama for this unconstitutional power-grab, tho I wish he could take out the rest of the garbage in the Cabinet too.
You probably don’t want to render too-lifelike a drawing of the Wicked Witch of the West Coast, lest that drawing come to life, much like the old legends of the Golem of Prague.
Sorry, but IMO drawing her as a demon is..completely ineffective. Especially after the hilarious Obama-as-demon strips.
You should have drawn her as Dolores Umbridge.
Because THAT’S what she IS.