Happy new year from our house to yours!
I’m not one to normally make resolutions, but when I do, I usually keep them. This year, I have resolved to get back into my old weight lifting regimen. Like many fools in their late twenties, i stopped lifting after my kid was born, because I had “no time.”
Excuses have caused me to pack on the pounds. I’m done with that. Time to get back in shape. I’ve spent the last two years dieting and working out, but not really at the level I used to. This year, I will hit my targets – because I have made targets.
What’s your resolution, if you have one?
keep looking for work, not descend into a useless funk for more than 4 hours at any one time, keep searching for a way out of this desolate hell…
New years is just coincidental numerals to me, but damn if I don’t want to move away from this neighbourhood that’s become so damn loud in the last year. Preferably I’ll win the lotto and buy a house slightly out in the country. Most likely all I’ll actually accomplish this year is paying off my credit card, upgrading my computer, and then if I’m lucky paying off my credit card again. Should pay it off then save but I’m impatient.
As for fitness I’m turning 26 this month and I’ve never done regular exercise in my life, besides when I used to bike to and from work and that merely kept the weight stable, not declining. It’s not something I feel any particular motivation to address, but when I think about it I realise I should probably do something now if I want to live/have a meaningful life past my mid thirties.
Should probably go see a podiatrist about my flat feet and get new orthotics, so that I’m physically capable of exercise and/or getting a better job. But I hate/distrust doctors and am too used to the stuborn stagnation I call existence.
(Speaking of harping on on the internet about crap no-one cares about…)
Get back in armor, BEFORE August.
I don’t make resolutions as a rule. I do have one for this year though. In 2013 (and 2014) I need to lose the 100lb I put on as a result in a change in medication. I intend to do it the slow but steady route of 1 to 2lb per week. My arthritic knees will thank me for it.
i have seven! but i’ll share the most altruistic and most ridiculous..
1) be more forgiving of faults in myself and others, and let go of old grudges and forget past pain
2) stop biting my nails!
happy new year! i love this comic and hope to see it around for many moons to come!
I resolve to stop over-committing myself to doing massive things in a tiny timeframe. And to be more of a dick, if that’s possible.
Clean up the mess that ’12 left.
Happy New Year!
I resolve for 2013 to smoke, drink, and carouse with tarts as much as humanly possible… and not to put ants in the beds of close acquaintances next NYE.
How did we end up sharing lists?
Considering his dialog, the placement of Omar’s hand was a little disturbing. (It got better when I looked closer. But not much.)
Ooh, major points for Watchmen reference. My second favorite line from the movie. (First? “What happened to the American dream?” “It came true. You’re lookin’ at it.” That and, “I’m not locked in here with you. You’re locked in here with ME!”)
Kick a nazi in the balls. I don’t know any nazis. Don’t really know where to find them, either. So I’ll probably have to make “find nazi” the first thing on my list. Then “kick nazi in the balls” the second.
After that, I think I’d like to start my gardening early this year. End of February for the seedlings. That way I’ll have fresh vegetables for most of the summer, instead of just at the end.
I’d say if I had a resolution, it would be to move away from social networking and focus more on meeting people more directly. I find that I just don’t get as much accomplished with social networking, and it’s taking away from more necessary work (and play) on the computer. I’m also resolving to do more cleaning around the house on Sundays.
PS: Way to go Omar! How soon until we see his profile on Fetlife!?
Oh god don’t make me make a profile for Omar on Fetlife.
Mine is to write at least a page in my novel every day. Plus get back to running. I have no excuse so convenient as a child for my weight gain. Mostly it’s down to the fine restaurants in NYC, my wife’s amazing cooking and my love of beer.
Gecko45 quote for the WIN!
You need to find a way to work these gems in over time:
“my ass is one the line so your fat butt can go to the mall and pick up the latest copy of “Computer Gaming Monthly” without getting jumped and sodomized in the mall bathroom”
“In my profession, you take risks that would be considered impossible to 99% of other men, and undergo pain that the mere shock of which would kill any three of you pantywaists.”
” I will always fondly remember the days of mall security, the expressions on the thankful patrons you saved from certain molestation in the mall bathrooms. The look of pain in the drooling face of the shoplifter you just choke-holded to unconciousness.”
“The elite, however, have specail privilages, and I can assure you that my orders go far-far enough that I could go around Kennedy airport yelling “Hi Jack!”, and that a simple phone call and codeword would have me released in 5 minutes, with my weapon, be what it may. As I said, my orders go far and while my reasons for protecting this mall remain a matter of national security”
“One time I had to do an dynamic entry on the ladies bathroom, because some freak had snuck in there and was trying to smear excrement on one of the lady patrons.”
“But then again I think of the mayors nephew, his face distored with tears and terror, the GAP employees who asked for my autograph, and had to settle for a cover identity’s signature, the flashbangs, and their acrid scent, the small of napalm in the evening breeze, as I crouch behind a shopping cart in the parking lot, the target practice with my dearest comrades and friends, the members of my teams, and our live fire exercises-Can I leave it all behind? should I?
Or is my life better spent as the silent, alert, stalwart, invisible guardian of the free mall…
I cannot tell.”
“BTW A one time experiementation while in the military, does not make one a homosexual.”
1. Grow a beard.
2. Acquire a motorcycle license
3. Get a motorcycle
4. Ride to Italy, fuck bitches.
5. Get a gun (or at least a weapons license) before I’m 19.
Number 2 already is accounted for, currently working on the other ones. Number 1 is going above expectations, 3 is just a matter of money. 4 is almost completely sorted out, just gotta deal with 3 first. Focusing on 5 atm.
My resolution for this year was simple, “Don’t make any resolutions” so far I’ve kept it!