Home defense
I’ve always found the term “home defense” kinda silly. No, this firearm (or that one, or any of my others) can be used for ME defense. MY LOVED ONES defense. MY PROPERTY defense. I guess “home defense” is an easier way to say it, but it makes me imagine a guy trying to start a fight with my front door.
The note on the chalkboard of the shop will change from time to time. This one comes from a true story, in which a friend of Mel’s worked at a gun shop. One day, a customer came in with a couple old katanas and asked if they could appraise them. When they pointed out that the store only sold guns, the customer replied: “Well, those are weapons, and these are weapons…”
Something nice for the folks who wonder why concealed carry is good.
Here, have some shotgun porn…
The old saying “why do you carry a gun? Because a cop is too heavy” comes to mind.
Hey, hey, hey, hey… you never know. Your front door could be starting all kinds of shit when you’re not home. Maybe it deserves to get it’s ass kicked.
It’s refreshing to see a webcomic which is not anti-gun. Following your work with interest.
Stupid thing is, if he hasn’t actually hurt anyone in the apartment, shooting him will land her in jail, not him. Well, depends on the state. Here in Michigan that’s how it goes :T
Here in Texas, if you kick in someone’s door, you get shot. Castle Doctrine laws rock.
Home isn’t just the place you have front door keys to. If you’re in it, your car is your temporary home. If you are sleeping in a cardboard box down by the river that is your home. A tent can be your home. At least that’s what I was taught in my gun class last night. It’s not literal the home part. It’s more subjective.
And that’s one of the resons I dig Texas! Here in namby-pamby-tofu-sucking-tree-hugging-felon-coddling-land, aka California, if I were to shoot and kill some piece of filth who had broken into my home, prosecutors, civil attorneys, and ambulance-chasing shysters would crawling all over ME! Not that I will ever let that persuade me to part company with my old friends, Mr. Mossberg, Mr. Winchester, Mr. Colt, Mr. Smith, Mr. Wesson, or that charming travel companion, Mr. Walther, but it is one of many reasons that Hubby and I will be leaving this state to retire!
Mel’s originally from the bay area, I grew up in SoCal, we met in Dallas. A lot of Cali expatriates here. If you can stand the heat, it’s a great place.
Yeah, some of my friends who have relocated to Texas in recent years agree that it’s a damn sight better, too! I’m thinking that, by the time I can afford to retire, I’ll be so damned old that the heat won’t be an issue!
Besides, I noticed, the last time I drove through, that Texans seem to have more of an actual idea of what the &$!@ REAL food is supposed to taste like! For example, just TRY to find decent chicken-fried steak around here! In 25 years, I’ve only ever found 2 places that make a good one…and they’re both owned and run by Texans!
Considering the events in my life from last month, this is rather topical. I’d also like to mention that Arizona is the same way, thankfully.
Texas is great…Open Carry…Open Intox…Food that tastes as good as it looks.
Actually, we don’t have open carry.