Buyout 8
Of course he wanted to see the manager, after all the bragging Mick did in past comics.
Jesus christ, people, can we quit it with the school shootings and spree killings? Just take the rest of the month off, you psycho killers. Schedule your next shooting for July. Or at least stop using guns. Use knives and baseball bats. Get really creative, and grab a string weed trimmer. Jesus.
Just to dip my toes in a smidge of politics: Shit just got real.
Cantor was endorsed by the NRA, because Incumbents Uber Alles. Other guy was endorsed by GOA and VCDL-PAC.
Okay, great, the Tea Party unseated the #2 Republican in the house in the primary. Except here’s the problem: unless a majority of the voters in that district align with the extreme right, he’s not going to win in the general election. Unless, of course, he abandons the Tea Party line and takes a more moderate course, and if he does that his backers are going to eviscerate him.
Also, I’d expect a better response on the issue of minimum wage than “I don’t have a well-formed response” from an economist.
I’m pretty sure “I don’t have a well-formed response”, in this context, means “nobody here wants to hear the only answer that an educated economist can reasonably give”.
More generally, you’ve just hit on one of my pet peeves with the current state of politics in this country. The people who make it through primaries are generally the ones with the loudest — and thus most extreme — supporters. The result is that moderates are forced to choose which candidate’s extreme views are less upsetting, rather than having a candidate who actually represents them.
Just so.
And then, when their deliberately-chosen marginal candidate falls on their face, well, the loud idiots will just get louder and more desperate, and more convinced that it’s all a grand conspiracy. If the dead-headed dim-bulbs would ever learn a bit about tactics, we might have a chance of having a moderately balanced country again. But instead, we’ve got one side trying to steer the ship up on the rocks, and the other side trying to capsize it.
Sooner or later, one side or the other is going to succeed, and then they’ll all point the finger at anyone but themselves. >:(
I live in that district. It is gerrymandered soooooooo Republican that the Democrats had to choose their candidate at a convention, and he has one hell of an uphill road ahead of him to even have a chance. Figure that 50% of the voters, to begin with, will not vote for a Democrat under any conditions, even if he has credentials that makes Jesus of Nazareth look like a piker.
DUDE! Hi neighbor!
Regency Mall area.
Actually, the TEA Party did nothing of the sort. NO Tea Party endorse or organized for him.
Cantor’s constituents, including me, kicked him out because he stopped working for US. No Townhalls. Arrogant attitudes from himself and his staff. Advocating programs unpopular in his district….etc…etc.
Cantor lost because he became an arrogant dick that lost touch with his district. I was a delegate at the last RPV convention and spoke with him. Nothing but double talk. Time for a change. Of course, the GOP is going to ignore this lesson and promote even worse politicians…..
Interesting. Nice to have an informed loacl opinion.
If they’d stop splashing the killers names and faces all over mass media, giving them the fame and recognition they crave, I think it would be a positive step towards reducing such incidents. CNN’s Anderson Cooper pledged to do that after the recent California incident. Sadly, 10 minutes later the host of the next segment continued business as usual…..
The only thing that stops a massacre is return fire.
For that matter, it’s also the about only thing that keeps a massacre out of the news.
I disagree. A large number of spree killers leave documentation that makes it pretty clear that they’re doing it for fame (or at least infamy). Deny them that and you deny one reason for it.
…which doesn’t change the fact that spree killings, or attempted spree killings, generally stop when armed response arrives and very rarely before that. (…and never much later, for obvious reasons.)
They also purposefully choose a gun free zone to commit their atrocities. Schools, the only theater of seven posted gun free (CO shooting), ect.
There have been at least two cases of attempted spree killings that did not take place in gun-free zones. I say “attempted” because in both cases, the killers were stopped by armed civilians before they could hit the number of murders (4, IIRC) to technically count as a spree killing; despite evidence to indicate that they had planned otherwise. (Because of this, you’ll see anti-gun sources state that “no spree killing has ever been stopped by an armed civilian”; technically true, since they were both stopped before they became spree killings in a technical sense. You’ll note that the claim and the facts lead to opposite conclusions, though.)
” Use knives and baseball bats.” Careful what you ask for; knives was just done.
At least I expect shootings to be over something percieved to be more important than a fucking fictional website character. (key word “percieved’)
Link for that story-,0,7130917.story
Also, the douchebag in Santa Barbara stabbed three of six he killed. Inconvenient fact for MSM.
Someone on my Facebook posted that because of the Arizona shooting, the Tea Party scares him. Alas, he’s family, so I can’t respond, “Racist meth heads scare me. Look what they did to Jesse Pinkman!”
I wonder what Tom’s reaction would’ve been had Alex came out.
Speaking of which, what is Alex’ place in the hierarchy of the business if Heidi is manager and Mick is assistant manager? CFO? Chief Financial Officer, Chief Firearms Officer, Cool Firearms Operator…?
Security 😀
Command structure?
Shit…I don’t know if Jay has thought it out that far yet…but it boils down to which beaver wants to be on top I guess. 🙂
Cantor’s going to be unseated because of the schism that exist within the GOP that they created with the TEA Party. There’s enough “Good Ole Boys” who hate Barry and that Cantor’s failed on his promises to make him a one term President. The Libertarian Party in the state has been highjacked by the KKK since 9/11 and got worse when Barry was elected to office.
The fact is that Cantor’s numbers have shifted badly and that we’ll see him ousted by the people as irony. The GOP is worried because Cantor’s unseating would cause a huge power shift. The best part of this would be that the numbers are shifted are big enough that the Democratic challenger will get the seat unless the GOP can prevent Democratic voters from getting to the polls. Which is why they’re already doing dirty tactics at the state level including bribery, intimidation and other action even with the new Governor in office. One of the most corrupt, GOP AG’s in office is still in office….
The GOP didn’t create the tea party, except by default – The “tea party” isn’t a party so much as it is a poorly-organized and moderately decentralized rebellion aimed at what some feel is excessive centrism and willingness to compromise on the part of the GOP. IOW, a buncha spoiled brats having a tantrum. With torches. In a barn full of straw.
Results are predictable.
“The Libertarian Party in the state has been highjacked by the KKK since 9/11 and got worse when Barry was elected to office.”
Those things are not compatible.
s reactions are pretty much like I expected. He could be the very re-incarnation of Chief Fitch.
Didn’t see that one coming. I like it.
Did their previous meeting also result in deposit to the spank bank.
Oh, good catch! Despite having just reread that strip recently, I had forgotten that they had met previously. I’m rather disappointed in myself.