Hiring the Plebes
Redux of the hiring comic done way back when.
This one is, once again, based on a true story. I was working at a restaurant that fired its day manager (hilarious story involving gay sex in the walk in cooler, and weed in the lettuce), and the night manager was tasked with hiring the replacement.
All of the applicants showed up at the interviews wearing white gloves. All of them. And there were like 20 applicants or so. The night manager was completely confused, but was too polite to ask what the fuck was going on. It took the owner three days before he broke, and laughed his ass off. Dude had a great sense of humor, and had put it in the newspaper classified – “Wear white gloves.” Keep in mind, this wasn’t a fine dining joint. This was a mom & pop greasy spoon in Ft. Worth.
Good times.
So, has ebola killed us all yet? I’m updating this 48 hours in advance.
Jennie is a good person. Especially with a mustache. Hire her!
And, she knows guns.
Just keep the leaf blowers and kilted customers away from her and you’ll do fine
NO NO NO! If you take THAT away, who knows WHAT she might up to instead!
A former boss of mine pulled something similar. HR was insistent on doing more interviews about ‘professional behaviour’ in his department so he made us all wear the same off-color smiley-face tie when going in. They went through five or six of us before they noticed, I think. By the time I was going in (aprox. #15) they were repeatedly looking at my tie while trying to get through their questions.
We got a stern warning when it came out but that was it.
In other news, I really like the Jennie Breeden cameo. 😀
JGrant, (in regards to yesterday’s ebola discussion)
I don’t give him (the president) enough credit for it to be “his fault”… It’s his cabinet’s fault.
The surgeon General should have made the recommendation to stop air traffic from the affected areas. All that would have been necessary is to require a ten day quarantine – not an unreasonable precaution – before allowing U.S. entry through customs. The State Department has it within it’s authority to create and enforce travel restrictions for reasons such as this.
(As far as the subject arriving via Brussels, I heard they arrived via Liberia, but regardless, that is the reason we use a passport system, to track dates and points of origin.)
In the long-long ago; the beforetime, in the days of boat travel across the Atlantic, The government used the Ellis Island stations as a quarantine entry port. Such a station could be set up in the U.S. Virgin Islands – If the threat is as dire as it is claimed to be, there is nothing unreasonable about adopting quarantine policies applicable to this situation. If ebola is an unprecedented threat (actually there are plenty of precedents, the first coming to mind being the Spanish Influenza epidemic that killed millions in the early 20th century..) then we should go to unprecedented lengths to isolate it.
As to the matter of sending U.S. troops to the affected regions, I will make my argument by agreeing with you,
Africa IS a big place, And there are a lot of countries involved …
Three MILLION U.S. troops couldn’t be expected to enforce martial law or a 100% curfew in the affected countries, and that being the case, what are they there for? When you send a group like that into a diseased area, you run the risk that your own people will become the vector through which the infection will make its way here. These troops are not doctors or researchers, from what I have heard, but infantry troops. Doctors and researchers I understand, a few troops to defend the doctors and researchers I understand, but 3000 infantry, with no clearly defined public mission statement, I can’t understand. Did I miss some explanation of their purpose? …Possibly.
But regardless, I still question the wisdom of the move, and hope it doesn’t just wind up costing some of these troops their lives.
And again, as with the travel restriction point, I don’t personally give the President full credit for the decision, as undoubtedly it originated with some idiot in his cabinet… I think you misinterpreted my meaning due to my morning sarcasm/snark.
I am not a conservative republican, nor a complete Obama basher. I dislike some of his policies and support others. I am quite disenchanted with both parties personally, and sincerely wish there was a reasonable and viable third option somewhere between the two, *sigh*.
Lastly, I’d like to thank you for your excellent comic here, I look forward to it every day, as I do to your social and political commentary. Keep up the excellent work.
You know, a lot of people want a reasonable and viable third option somewhere between the Republicans and Democrats.
Let’s create one.
Then we can stick drawn-on mustaches into our official platform somewhere, and see if anyone notices.
Between Republican Senators and Democrat Senators, somewhere in the middle of the “trunk” park of the double-ended tree shape that is US political positions … or between Obama and the Republicans, which would require two crowbars, a particularly thin nozzle and a political party with very low viscosity? If it’s the former you want, try … Denmark.
Jen and Obby would be great employees when they aren’t on the road.
What, no guy with a Hitler mustache coming in, wanting to push Glocks, Walthers, H&Ks and GSGs?
“I vould be more than happy to perform mien patented H&K slap(tm). Vould jou like to see eet?”
Dang it. You gave away tomorrow’s webcomic…..
It occures to me that all mustache’s in this comic are drawn on. snerk snerk snerk
Very droll. But true… 😀
…But what if the applicant has a real mustache?
Maybe the new guy should be mustachioed CAS shooter, who thinks all firearms technological development should’ve ended with Samuel Colt, and how guns have gone to shit ever since Hiram Maxim and J.M.B. gave the world automatics.
A hundred years from now, people will say the same thing about Gaston Glock, I’m sure.
Draw one on anyway.
@ JLGrant: Nope, no Ebola deaths here, anyway.
“We don’t have an opinion about it,” they say in unison.
No, they were TOLD not to have an opinion about it by the Administration in charge of them.