So. Ten days ago, I came down with a head cold. Pretty sure it’s the same head cold Mel got five days prior. I battled through it, courageously bitching and moaning and hating life.

Except it never quite “went away.”

This morning, after feeling better than I had in days Tuesday, I woke to my sinuses swollen and completely plugged, coughing up what felt like quarts of greyish green shit, and with a rock hard lump at the base of my throat. Dizzy, feverish, I called in to work and begrudgingly dusted off my damn insurance card. I hate going to the doctor. It’s my last resort.

I would like to state that my first choice was really, really poor. If you’re in North Dallas, just don’t even bother going here. My review on there says it all. I cancelled my appointment, drove literally 200 yards to a Care Now, and was seen without an appointment in about 45 minutes. Sure enough: Seems a bacterial sinusitis and minor bronchitis had decided to set up shop when my body fought off the cold virus. UGH. But hey, at least the doc told me my blood pressure was good, and I didn’t have pneumonia, which was my first fear.

Spent most of today dizzy and sick and cratered on the recliner, sucking down water, soup, and low-carb ice cream. (They make this now! It’s just available in vanilla at my local store, but fuck it, ICE CREAM FOR MY DIET FUCK YES. Perfect for my throat. Totally medicinal, you see.) Antibiotics seem to have kicked in fast, as my sinuses no longer feel like a jackbooted 300 lb Nazi is standing with both of his heels on my face – still a bit dizzy, tho.

Then I remembered I hadn’t done a comic for Thursday yet.

So this is what happens.

Apologies. Will try to make Friday’s comic a lot better.

Although the vast majority of Fox News’ content is just… ugh*, I thought this was pretty fucking funny.

* Don’t worry, I also feel the same way about NBC News, MSNBC, The Drudge Report, Infowars, and the vast majority of the HuffPo. But Fox News really is pretty damned egregious.