It’s always good when this happens. First dates, even ones full of getting laid, always feel better when you get a good call the next day.
Sorry about yesterday’s comic – it was NOT a jab at the recent mall shooting. I do these comics about 3 weeks in advance. Had I realized it, I would have maybe held off on that strip… but it was already up when I realized it, so there you go. Hate me if you will. Get in line.
Let’s get some machete love going:
I love machetes. I have taken some martial arts classes in katana, and I even own a very nice one, but in modern times, a really good machete is much better of a survival weapon than a samurai sword. They’re a tool, not a weapon – I keep a Gerber Gator Machete in my car’s trunk at all times, and it’s come in handy quite a bit. Clearing brush, splitting campfire wood, whittling tinder, this blade does it all. What’s your favorite machete?
A Gerber or Estwing hatchet – I’ve never found a machete that works for me…
Hatchets, OTOH…
Ok, I think I’m missing something from the comic… Why is there death for “butt scratcher” ?
Kids at cons have turned the “PENIS” game into “buttscratcher.” I have threatened violence to any of them within my immediate vicinity.
I guess the penis game was just a bit too hardcore for them?
Woodsman’s Pal Military. nice handguard, the hook works great on vines. there is even a military fighting manual for it..because you put one of those in the hands of a marine, he’s gonna try to chop someone with it. which means he has to have a manual to show him how.
I’ve changed that machete out for an ancient WWII Collins machete I found at a garage sale.
That’s remarkably enticing….
$25 how can you go wrong? lol It holds my Winchester Trench gun very well, buddies tacticool 870 fit’s like the picture. Won’t work well with a bird gun, long barrel I don’t think though.
I favor the Khukri-style blades, myself…
Cant beat a good Ghurka. I have one made from truck spring and its going on my tac vest.
This has nothing to do with today’s comic, but last night I was catching up on some Dr. Who and in a western themed episode one of the characters accidentally fires off two shots from a revolver she’s holding. My first reaction was to tsk and think “bad trigger discipline”. Then I giggled when the sheriff said “Alright, anyone who’s not American, put the guns down”.
Am I the only one who’s found Dr. Who to be pretty anti-gun? I quit watching because of it, and now my wife’s all mad at me. I just get tired of being painted as an irresponsible reactionary who is also a danger to public safety because I own and carry firearms.
Meh. I just don’t like Dr. Who because I hate time travel in Sci Fi.
Understandable. It’s rarely done well. Usually it goes “oh noes, someone went back in time and changed a bunch of things! the future is ruined!”. Then by the end of the episode they’ve completely fixed everything, if not somehow made it better for themselves a-la Back to the Future. I really don’t understand why that movie is such a cult classic.
I dunno – I liked that trilogy. Not a raging fan, but I liked it, because it did Time Travel better than most.
Heinlein’s Multiverse books though…
I always took it as a stance of the character, not as anything from the show in particular. Plus the first new Doctor seemed to have no problem with guns. It just seems like a more Obi-Wan Kenobi sort of thing to me.
I stopped on the episode “The Doctor’s Daughter.” It, and the two episodes previous just seemed very “Ehrmagerd, why yoos alwas usin teh guns, we shud jus talk about ar prolems and stuffs.”
I’m not anti-doctor whoo now or anything, it just kinda turned me off to it.
I like the Columbian Incolma machete. Heavy enough to double as a light hatchet, good steel.
I’ve got a Tramontina as my main yardwork machete, then a couple of 12″ Cold Steel ones for “themed” ‘chete-‘hawk sets (one is “Viking, with the Seax ‘chete and Norse Hawk, the other set is “Texan” with a Bowie ‘chete and Rifleman Hawk– the “Texan” set rides in my car trunk). Then there’s the fun-lovin’ CS Special Forces Shovel– it’s a shovel, machete, hatchet, boat paddle, frying pan, and flying battle axe, all in one!
Personal favorite is a knuckle guard short incoma I picked up at a store in florida, mostly because it fits both my big and small pack just fine, sharpens fast, does everything I need it to, and the guard has saved my fingers a beating just a few times, but the few was worth it. But the -best- I’ve ever seen was a piece of sharpened leaf-spring steel with a wood and duct-tape grip. But the guy using it had it sharpened in like six speficifc ways, and that -one- peice of steel was a scalpel/machete/hatchet/shaving razor/gut knife/sword etc etc etc. Good training beats good tools, and this guy grew up using this damn thing for everything.
i wouldn’t know about that date thing, i don’t usually get past the first-probably because i talk about guns so much.
but i love a good machete, its great for house work and the like.
True Temper or Ames 231660. It will take care of most of your home. gardening, and survival needs. It is faster and easier than all of the wimpy tools it has replaced (except for the chainsaw). It is enough fun to almost get you arrested.
To be blunt, the mall shooting barely popped on my radar and I hadn’t put the two together. Hate to say it, but maybe if the mall-cops were allowed to be armed, maybe this wouldn’t me an issue.
Now that’s out of the way. I’m seriously smelling something about the Heidi plotline. Notice that they’ve now dated and knocked boots, but he’s never seen her place (or her crazy roommate with the psycho-boyfriend). Am I too old and cynical in thinking there’s another motive?
I will kill you to death.
As some others have mentioned: the Woodsman’s Pal is about the most utility you can cram into a single design, but I prefer a good kukri if I can only have one blade with me as it has a little more defense potential in my opinion.
Machette? Nope. Lebindwell diver? Oh hell yes. Prybar, saw and knife in one tool, still legal in police state australia, and solid gold for intimidating the fuck out of the pdrugged up fuck that tried a home invasion on friday night.
I favor the Tramontina brand. Their 14″ bolo-head is easily manageable and gives you plenty of heft for a good hard swing. Cheap, but the steel is remarkably good quality. I saw Jay Fisher at a gun & knife show in Tampa give a quick demonstration on how to properly sharpen a knife a few years back. I just do what Jay said with a medium grade file to work out the nicks between uses and it’s helped me clear an acre of land behind my home with no problems.
Buddy I know used to live in Florida and forgot to cut his grass and had a real jungle after a few days. I pointed out should have bought a machete to cut it. He used a push mower.