Guest Week 3 – Shinga
This comic was fucking masterful. Lots of Shinga’s art is.
We’ve known her for quite some time on a personal level. Shinga is someone I am proud to call a friend. Her art can be hilarious, or absolutely lethal on an emotional level. Hit her archive and start at the beginning for loads of lulz.
It’s only fitting that I also include this video, which is equally kick ass.
I also think that you could have come up with this comic, given enough time.
gorgeous art to be sure!
If I had my druthers, I’d quit drawing the comic and just write it, while Shinga illustrated.
No, she’s not interested.
Yes, I asked. Waaaaaaaaaay back.
Does she give lessons..? 😉
Saw that one coming (no pun intended) by the second panel. Still well-done, though. I love the Obey the Boobs shirt.
You might be a gun nut if…
“A little more lube…” is when you know where the joke’s going.
have to admit, i was hoping you’d get a Shinga guest strip on here (and i totally just wrote that as Head Trip. wtf, hands?)
A masterpiece, best one of your guest strips thus far….
I’ve been following this comic for quite a few months now and it is fantastic!
3 guest strips down, 2 to go, and so far this is my favorite. The artwork is phenominal.
And the bonus video kicks ass. I always wondered what they were singing…
Enjoying the guest strips, looking forward to 9-9. Congrats on your first full year.
no offense dude, i enjoy the strip but….you need to find a number that this chic will take to draw for you.
Unfortunately, I know it’s mostly a time issue. She doesn’t have much – and her own comic keeps her busy. I think updating once a day M-F would physically kill her.
make it go back to the way itwas before dood I’m losin it Losin it man!!!!
I LURVE this imagining of Mick and Alex. She looks so Rebecca Buck from Tank Girl.
Michael, you need to read Head Trip. seriously. Shinga’s art is amazeballs.
Alright. I’ve been reading a bit of Head Trip now, and you were so right.
plus she’s got a devilish side to her strips. heh.
LMAO Shinga ftw!
I look forward to seeing more guest strips by her. Beautiful.
I have Carmina Burana in my phone and I often listen to it on long trips. Curse you for posting that!
great, i just spent 3 hours reading all of her comics. Great artist.
I love Shinga’s art, you shuold let her guest more often. 😀