The Perils of Netflix
Just to get this out of the way: We need more stories like these in the news.
Regarding today’s scribbling: On the one hand, Netflix Instant has pretty much changed how we watch, uh, anything anymore. Seriously, it’s the death knell for cable TV. We can turn on the Xbox and literally watch millions of hours of entertainment in all genres, including TV shows that we normally wouldn’t watch at all. We’ve been able to see quite a few amazing films that went under the radar, including Ink, which became one of my top ten favorite movies ever the first time I watched it. And the second. And third.
But Netflix Instant also has a hell of a lot of… uhm. Ugh. Horrible crap. It’s an expansive ocean – blue in parts, dark and murky green in others. Perhaps you will find a brilliant new species of octopus that you’ve never heard of. Perhaps you will stumble across an abandoned treasure chest at the bottom of the deeps. Or, unfortunately, you may see what looks like a school of fish, but once you swim into it, you discover it’s a terrible sewage spill, and you’re immersed in a cloud of turds and human waste.
Even Chris Rock couldn’t save this movie. I watched it while I had a cold this summer, and I think by forcing this into my mind, I literally gave myself irreversible brain damage.
[ADD] What the fucking shit, I had the video embedded before we did the site update… Ugh.
No video? I’ll forgive you.
I just realized how much you spoil us…
I don’t know what happened these last two days – I could have SWORN the videos were in the post before it updated. Will watch it tonight like a hawk to see if there’s something odd happening.
Netflix is what turned me onto a little movie called “God Bless America” which instantly became one of my cult favorites
That said, only real thing I turn the TV on for anymore is new episodes of Adventure Time. Yes I still watch cartoons, better then all this other crap on TV to be honest.
My friend, “Movie Gun Guy” Mike Tristano is in that movie and I’m very glad it’s catching on 🙂
Ahh netflix. I can’t tell you how many horror movies I’ve gotten fifteen to twenty minutes in and stopped. It’s a far better service for watching TV shows than movies these days. If you’re only an occasional movie viewer, you’re better off just going with vudu or something that allows digital rentals.
Oh yes, Pootie Tang exists! And I am so very glad it does! I saw that movie when it first came out, and I have watched it numerous times since!
I’m still trying to get my wife to watch it. One day, I shall break down her defenses. 😉
Are you trying to get her to file for divorce?
Heh… she’s watched some questionable movies with me before, but Pootie Tang may be the “worst” of the bunch. I have a feeling she’d rather sit through a second showing of Kung Pow: Enter the Fist before watching Pootie Tang. 😉
Oh, hey, somebody else loves “Ink”. I found it the same way — discovered by accident, watched it, and went “wow, that was really damn cool”. Nice to know there are a few others who enjoy it.
There’s only one “e” in “palatable”.
No, no, if you look at the fourth frame here, you’ll see there are two.
Already shared the news story on my Facebook page. Sherry and I turned in our cable box last Christmas in exchange for a Sony Media Player. We love it. We watch Netflix, Crackle, and Youtube videos on our TV and haven’t regretted the trade.
I’ve worked in porn so long, I completely forgot Xbox was a video game 🙂
BTW, in Texas, can you legally buy a gun in someone else’s name like Creepy Mc Rimfire did? Seems odd.
The person who puts down the order can be anyone – the Brady check is for whoever picks up the rifle and pays the remainder of the balance.
Although a lot of gun shop workers would balk at this kind of deal, I know at least one who wouldn’t have a problem with it.
pootie tang was originally written by louis c.k., later disavowed after the studios got hold of it. just sayin.