Here’s the weird thing: I didn’t do any research on this one, I just thought to myself, while drinking beer in the shower one fine early afternoon, “Hey, know what the world needs? A Dubstep Steampunk band. They could call it Dubsteam music, and combine the two to make something glorious.”

Now, I like dubstep, to a degree – like most genres, 90% of it sucks, but there are a few gems. I also enjoy Steampunk. To my knowledge, nobody had combined the two yet.

Silly me. Turns out that a band I’ve heard a few times, Celldweller, has already done a few Dubsteam tracks.

Seriously, check this out – this is what L.D. would sound like, in the comic. But more to come on that, hhehehe.

EDIT: Wow, so there are more Steampunks on here than I thought. Or people who like it.

With that in mind, any Dallas area steampunk types need to check out the upcoming Skybourne Carnival in September. Guests so far include Voltaire, Steam Powered Giraffe, Unwoman, The Nathaniel Johnstone Band, Vernian Process, and many, many, many more. Two day Steampunk music festival, being put together by the notorious Arron Von Blackwolf. We fully intend to be there.