I know I said I would stay away from politics, but this pisses me off so very, very much.
I supported Obama on his first campaign. I voted for him last year because, in my opinion, Romney was an even worse choice by leagues.
But although I thought his first 100 days were kickass, Obama lost steam. And I am beginning to think he’s turned into an AWFUL president. Now the First Amendment is under attack by these swine. Guns? Oh, people will yammer support on both sides. 1st Amendment? *crickets* Filter the internet? *nothing*
I never though I would be ashamed to have fought for this country.
I’m with ya. I’m embarassed for the people still serving.
All the amendments have been twisted and misconstrued in the name of “safety”. The United States is a nation under fear, and the legislation that provokes. Logic is dead.
Good times.
Well, no one has tried to stash a National Guardsman in my spare bedroom yet, so the Third Amendment is still holding up pretty well.
Granted, between the War on (Some) Drugs, the War on Terror, and general governmental bloat and overreach, the other nine have been pretty thoroughly folded, spindled and mutilated.
Just be glad you don’t live in England. During the Olympics, some poor souls had to have an Anti-Aircraft missile battery on their apartment roof.
Along with their version of Miranda Rights. “You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defense if you do not mention, when questioned, something which you later rely on in court.”
When people say they want the USA to be more like England, I die a little inside.
I had to (of my own free will) put up two guardsmen for a night because they didn’t have a hotel. While not dealing with the 3rd amendment, I had a British friend joke I was spitting on the Third Amendment. We had a good laugh.
Just don’t tell anyone how much money it would save for hotel vouchers.
I got the notice about Time Warner and Verizon, two of our providers, being right on that fucking insane train yesterday.
Yep. Yay. Right AFTER I renew my Verizon contract, I discover this shit. Great.
And we don’t have any other cable providers for high-speed internet. The one alternative we tried was composed to fail and suck-ass.
It’s not any better in Europe. Of all the insipid dimwits in the police forces, it had to be the vice president of the German police to utter: ‘When you enter the Internet, you leave your private space’.
All your thoughts are belong to us, as if it never happened before. Talking about adding blame to shame.
Well, I guess you got the president you voted for …
Any presumption that Romney would have fought this is seeing the world through very rose-colored glasses. To give one man credit for anything that happens in the federal government is likewise short-sighted, the problem is that the money behind lobbyist’s leverage doesn’t come from the people who make up the majority of our country, it comes from a minority with interests directly retrograde to the benefit of the majority.
I wouldn’t presume that Romney was the only alternative, either. Frankly I LOVED the fact that the Ron Paul primary votes were greater than the difference in the 4 critical battleground states, and that Rombot’s cheating BS cost him his run.
I voted for Gary Johnson. Obama and Romney are two sides of the same coin: Obamney.
While I don’t support this, I am unimpressed by the claims the author makes that music piracy is actually a good thing. It is theft. And people like him justifying it that way are part of why this is being proposed.
So once again, you simply refuse to acknowledge inconvenient facts which do not support your belief in the government and corporation backed LIES.
While I don’t support piracy, this is sure the wrong way to fight it.
But I’m mostly curious as to if this is the same Owen I know.
Theft results in one person having something and the other person not having it. There are legitimate arguments about copyright infringement that can be made, but calling something that is clearly COPYING and not STEALING “theft” is incorrect.
It’s not theft.
If I steal something from you, you no longer have that thing. If I copy a song from your computer, you still have the song. I just have one too.
nth-ing the “it’s not theft” thing. If we had to make an analogy to something tangible, I’d say trespass would be closest, treating the specific pattern of information as a space.
Of course, that makes the underlying property claim no less legitimate (heck I’d say it would be even more legitimate), but obviously the image of squatters making good use of land otherwise held hostage by greedy speculators jacking up real estate prices all over the place while many go homeless is hardly the image The Owners really want to allude to when they assert their rights.
Where can I get a pentagram tie?
Here, apparently: http://aspapparel.com/Sig-Lightning-Bolt-Pentagram_skinny-tie.php
Google also turned up some on Zazzle.
CISPA and other bills like it show how much we’ve lost since 9/11. The PATRIOT Act alone was pretty much proof that the government elite could create a police state in our life time. The rise of the Fascist Theocracy (ironically created by music icon Frank Zappa in 1986 on Crossfire), was largely ignored by the “Liberals” other than those who realized how far the Religious Right was on their quest to Christianize America. It failed instead since people got Religious during the 90s and then after 9/11 lost fail in the return of the Bush errors and other false hope that Conservatives were behind.
The amount of snooping by Governments in the so-called free world demonstrates just how much the terrorists have won and we have lost. This bill and others like it aren’t even the thin end of the wedge. We had that years ago.
People have become complicit and won’t realize what they’ve lost til it is gone. Once people start getting arrested for giving their opinion, having their personal information sold for profit at-will, and have to stand in line to get their government rationed “healthy” food – they will wake up. Unfortunately by then, it may be too late.
“Rights” never stay constant, there is ebb and flow like the tides of the sea. A low swell will come in and the Low-Tiders will argue for a win for their side and a freak high wave follows as a win for the High-Tiders. What we need to understand is that we should be looking at the sea-level. Is it going down or up, that is where it gets to the real basics.
“Rights” are to particular things and should not be swayed by the emotions of the day. All surveys of the court system indicate that a jury takes their job very seriously. They do their best to eliminate their own feelings and deal with the issues as they are instructed. They are not perfect and they do not always get all of the data, but they usually make a fair and unbiased decision based upon the evidence given to them. There are however exceptions.
“Our rights”, are guarded by a 3/4 Majority on an Amendment and the non-amendment laws can be reversed, as recently presented in the anti-carry laws. This is a slow process and not as visceral as appearing on a News broadcast, but it is what needs to be recognized, welcome to the civil right’s movement, enjoy your stay. The second amendment is about “civil right’s,” the right of a citizen as defined by the US Constitution. If all power comes from a barrel of a gun, then they are depriving citizens of their power. Then let the government throw away their “arms” first and we will see what happens.
Could someone clarify how this is Obama’s fault? (link, explanation, anything?) The EO was vague, but it pretty clearly stated that any law should:
“ensure that privacy and civil liberties protections are incorporated into such activities. Such protections shall be based upon the Fair Information Practice Principles and other privacy and civil liberties policies, principles, and frameworks as they apply to each agency’s activities.”
and the FIPP sets some pretty clear guidelines (http://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/privacy/privacy_policyguide_2008-01.pdf)
Whether or not the law/policy is followed is 100% independent from the letter of it.
If the house dumb-fuck committee, which has both repub and dem members, decides to reintroduce a bill that would have gotten a veto if it hadn’t stalled in the senate last year, that’s their prerogative. Or are you saying Obama should have control over what laws are put before congress? Wouldn’t that be a greater breach of freedom? You either get a powerless president who follows(to whatever degree they actually do) the rules, or you get an ass who dissolves constitutional bodies so they don’t have to deal with the red tape.
I’m not saying internet censorship is good, and I think anyone who wants to go into politics has questionable intelligence or scruples, a law in the house can hardly be credited to Obama. At least not the way I see it.
It’s more of a “you got the house representatives you voted for”
And if you voted for obama, you knew you were voting for a president with democratic(political party, not government style) agendas. You should’ve know exactly what was comin’ down the pipe as far as healthcare, eventual gun laws, etc. etc. Of course, if you’re referring to his inability to do anything, again, look to congress/senate. If you’re referring to foreign policy, then yeah, some of that shit was out of left field(far-right field?).
Indeed. The executive order is a far cry from CISPA. See here.
Voting for Obama in 2008 was bad enough, but voting for him in ’12 was just inexcusable. I can understand not wanting to vote for Romney, the gods know I didn’t, but that’s no reason to vote for Big O. Frankly I thought the ’12 race was what I like to call a South Park Election: douche vs. turd. (I’ll leave it up to you to decide which was which.)
This sort of scheiße is why I support impeaching the current executive branch and all the liberal extremists. My proposal is to abolish all gun laws, scrap the last 20 years of bad lawmaking including the ‘USA PATRIOT act’, Patient Perversion and Unaffordable Care act, Disease of Marriage Act, such treaty scams as NAFTA, GATT, and the Pacific Trade Treaty, such violations of the Constitution as CISPA, ACTA, DMCA, and other attempts to over-regulate the Internet and media, and strike LBJ, Klinton, and Obama completely from the list of presidents.
Your posts are always entertaining, at the least.
Can we strike Nixon and Reagan as well?
MalikTous posts may be entertaining, and quirky, but that IS just about the level of restorative change needed at this point. Although I do disagree with striking LBJ, Clinton, and Obama from the list of presidents. We need to keep an accurate record so we can (hopefully) learn from history.
No, because they are his brand of tyrant. It is always amazing to me how people have such blinders on when it comes to their political “brand.” If Barack Obama had been at the helm when the USAPA had passed, I’ll bet you ten to one odds that there would have been a straight up, honest-to-Christ armed revolt in America (and possibly rightfully so!). George Bush at the helm when the same law is passed? Crickets.
This is one of the reasons that I actually am glad Obama got re-elected; not because he is a good president, because he’s the worst president that we’ve had in my lifetime, but because if Mitt Romney had been elected, a lot of these guys would have gone back to sleep and stopped being pissed off at all the stuff the government is doing. Guys like him are all for CISPA when Romney is president, but fight back against it when Obama is at the helm, so guys like me actually benefit from an Obama presidency in that way.
I am sick of it. While I agree with a lot of what he says above, I am disheartened that he seems to think that republicans are not also to blame, when they were complicit, and in some cases (USAPA), largely to blame for all the shitty shit that’s been done recently. One would presume that he’d have just gone back to sleep if Romney had been elected. I hope that’s not true, but I’m a betting man, and I’m betting the odds are on my side.
That’s a good start.
I’ll pay you ANYTHING I own if you’ll take Nixon retroactively.
– Pete
at least he left in bush jr. We wouldn’t have that amazing piece of legislation, the patriot act, without his presidency… oh wait…
“Do you have your cartoonist license Mr. Grant? What are your current qualifications for being a web cartoonist? Who gave you the authority to question the decisions of the U.S. government? Why do you glorify tools of death?”
Just wait for it…
The day those words become reality, I will put down my pen and pick up my guns. A true patriot knows when the appropriate time arrives to no longer abide by the laws of the land. We are a long way from that time… but closer than we’ve ever been in my lifetime.
(sigh) Amen.
Three Things that make me wonder?
1. “Assault Weapons” were used in 323 murders in 2011, Hammers used in 496 murders, where are the anti-Hammer activists?
2. I can’t wait to be lectured by an administration responsible for enabling guns going to Mexican Drug Cartel Members.
3. Gun Control Laws are like trying to reduce drunk driving by making it harder for sober people to own cars.
Here is some more interesting news for the gun control debate:
He kinda lost me with the “WHEN SOCIALISM COLLAPSES A BOOGA BOOGA BOO” bullshit.
This is one of the many reasons why I voted for Johnson.
Sadly for the many people, thoughts are cheap, words are cheap, and just living is enough effort. To get up and do something is to risk losing what little you have. People aren’t desperate enough yet to pay a cost for real systemic change. And no, this isn’t me saying “the socialists are gonna ruin everything” or “the corpratists are going to drive us all to hell” (personally, viewing America from the north, you don’t even have a liberal spectrum, just flavors of right, but that’s from my own view).
It’s me saying that left *or* right, those on top, no matter what stripe or ideology, whoever they are they WANT the masses to be too busy trying to keep themselves running so that they aren’t active saying “What the FUCK are you doing on my behalf?!”
Obama isn’t behind or driving CISPA, the media giants are, the same ones behind SOPA, with the same cry, “teh internetz piracy iz killing us!” And while not *as* huge and loud as the reaction to SOPA, resistance to CISPA has been more than just “+crickets+”. Just because nobody’s organized a national “blackout your web page” day doesn’t mean that people are completely unaware…
Sooo let me get this straight.
They’re trying to filter the internet?