Dear Ms. Katee Sackhoff:

Mel and I are giant fans of you. We think you’re the bee’s knees. We realize we put a few words in your mouth in this strip, in order to make the joke work. Please do not be offended or sue us. We would be very sad if you did. Also, we have never actually followed you, in person, in California. There is no soda cup. But if there was, we would probably pet it like a puppy.

If you are at Comic Con International this year, Ms. Sackoff, please come by Booth #1230, and let us hug you and take pictures of you with us. We will gift you with a bunch of crazy merchandise that you, no doubt, won’t care about, and it would make our entire convention if you did stop by. Even if just for 60 seconds. Long enough for J to snip a clandestine lock of your hair off. We love you. Never leave us. Stay drugged up in our garage forever…

OK, it’s getting weird now.


J and Mel.

For those just tuning in, it seems our dear Sexy Starbuck is a fan of gun safety. The whole thing is a storm in a teacup, seriously. All she said was “gun safety is good,” and a bunch of people lost their motherloving shit over it. It’s insane what sets people off. In the end, finding this out about Katee just made her more lovable to us. Maybe she’ll come shoot with us at a range in Dallas sometime? One can only dream. Yes, I am a giant fucking fanboy. Mel is a giant fucking fangirl.

Can you blame us?

Now here’s good music to get angry and break shit to.