Omar is going to be one of those Love Him/Hate him kinda guys. Like me, in person, about 15 years older.

Mick is a tricky cat so far. I don’t want him to be the “I-Guy” from FLEM that Jay was. Frankly, the way I’m plotting the strip, Mick is going to be milquetoast compared to me. But I don’t want him to come off as a simpering twat. So we’re dancing around a line, here.

The “LIKE A GAUSS” coffee mugs will likely be one of our first pieces of merch for sale. Because I want one.

I’m going to keep embedding interesting gun vids in these updates. If you can tell me why I shouldn’t, reply.

This one popped up on my internet radar and has me trying to figure out how it could be faked, or why. It looks legit. My Taurus .357 has a 6″ barrel and is very accurate, but I’d need at least a week to figure out how to hit a 48″ target at 350 yards.